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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Fourth of July (Day Late)

Yesterday was the Fourth of July! I forgot to say that yesterday. I'll just say that the story I posted yesterday was a Fourth of July present. As a present saying I'm sorry (even though the only ones who come to my blog don't celebrate Fourth of July) I'll continue the story today, instead of later this week.

Jim Meets Willy

Willy ran home (with difficulty running over rocks and falling ten times) and told his parents all about Jim, Merlin, and the interweb. His Mom and Dad laughed and said that Jim was awesomely cool. Willy told them he wanted to go back tomorrow and they said he could if he didn't stay for the whole day. They were going hunting because they wanted steak for supper and they were out.

Willy woke up to the sound of Skreeiik!!! A dieing pig was crawling outside. He went and grabbed it when it was dead and told his parents he caught a pig so they could have pork. Willy went back to sleep and a dieing pig did not come again.

"Willy!" said Jim.

Willy woke up and it was still dark out and he saw Jim running toward him.

"How did you know where I live?" asked Willy.

"Was your dad friends with a yak?"


"You told me! When we were walking home. I followed you to make sure you didn't lie."

"Why would I lie?"

"Was your mom friends witha goat?"


"What if you didn't want me to know where you lived! Quick it's an emergency!"


"Did it rain while you were being born?"


"It's the Auto Part Specialist Cars!"

Willy got up and ran after Jim who was leading him to the interweb cave. They got to the cave in about ten minutes and Merlin was there watching objects in a square.

"What's that?" asked Willy.

"Is your middle name raccoon?"


"That's the T.V!"

They walked over to the T.V. and on it was the 5 Eye Witness News crew interviewing someone in a car.

"That's the Auto Parts car," said Merlin to Willy.

"What's the big deal?" asked Willy.

"When you were born did you come out tail first?" asked Jim.


"We've seen the commercial for this car millions of times! Auto Parts Specialist! Were the guys in the little red trucks," Jim sang.

"Oh! Those cars are BLUE!" said Willy.

"AND! There convertibles," said Merlin.

"What do we do?" asked Willy.

"Did you get woken up by a dieing pig?" asked Jim.

"Yes! Jus-"

"We paint them. That'll solve half the problem."

Merlin changed the channel on the T.V. to a game show called Wipeout. Wipeout is about people going through obstacle courses and falling and injuring themselves. They only watched it because it was about people doing that and they thought it was real. They watched for two hours with nonstop Willy asking questions and then Jim asking the questions and the answer was always yes before they went to solve the problem (It was a two episode day).

They ran outside and stopped next to a road.

"Now," said Jim, "We wait."

"For what?" asked Willy.

"Did you eat a dandelion on the way here?" asked Jim.


"The Auto Parts Specialist cars!"


Anonymous said...

Excellent! I think Jim is the best character here. What say everybody else?

Anonymous said...

I say Willy is the best!

Anonymous said...

The best character here is obviously Merlin. He is the intelligent one. Hence the name Merlin.

Bevie said...

The best character is the turtle.

fairyhedgehog said...

You're so full of ideas! I'm not sure which character I like best.

By the way, I like your aquarium with the hiding blue fish.

Wolverine said...

I'm not sure which character I like best either. I didn't know that the fish would turn out the exact same color as the aquarium, but it made a cool game.

Bevie- I don't remember putting a turtle in my story.

Bevie said...

It's a turtle. It's slow. Wait on it.

Wolverine said...

Are you saying you want me to put a turtle in the story?

fairyhedgehog said...

Or is Bevie just teasing you?

Wolverine said...
